Urban Growth now using Trees to measure building sightlines?

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Urban Growth now using Trees to measure building sightlines?

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The 2008 Concept Plan Approval fixed the heights of buildings such that they were below a line of sight from the northern side of Wilson Street (Figure 1).


As seen above in the Nov 2016 plans Urban Growth sneakily tried to get around this by having the ‘bystanders’ sight line from the south side of Wilson Street. City of Sydney quickly picked up on this and ordered it to be addressed.

Now Urban Growth, in what may be a World First, is now using trees in their measurement of sightlines in their April 2016 Plans!  The Website Link Here – Minimising the Impacts of new buildings.


Using imagery (like below left) to show the lovely mature trees covering the view of the 20 Storey buildings they failed to show the same view a few meters down Wilson Street where the trees definitely do not coverup the sightlines.




Kelly Grimm

April 25, 2016at 12:58 am

I certainly brought this up in my feedback to UG. The trees don’t even hide the 7 storey Platform apartments let alone 20 storeys. Plus many of these trees will likely go when the Wilson Street buildings are constructed.



    April 25, 2016at 4:02 am

    I know right? A lot of the trees are on the site side of the Wilson Street fence which will have to be cut down to make way for the 4 storey slim line apartments. I say ‘slim line’ because those apartments are only going to be about 8 meters wide :(

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