Tag Archives: NorthEveleigh

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North Eveleigh – Urban Growth NSW applies for ‘ReZoning’ of NE area – Oct 2017

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Oct 2017 – Urban Growth applies for Rezoning of the North Eveleigh West land area, proposing a new framework to facilitate an increase in existing building heights and FSR (Floor Space Ratio) to allow for up to 700 Dwellings on the 2.9 hectare land parcel adjacent to Carriageworks.


Purpose of study:

Investigate preparation of a new planning framework for the North Eveleigh West site, part of the Redfern – Waterloo Authority Sites State Significant Precinct (SSP), to facilitate an increase in the existing buildings heights and FSRs to allow development of up to 700 dwellings.

NSW Planning website “Study Requirements” can be found Here.

The declaration of this SSP is the mechanism used by Urban Growth NSW to reset the planning controls of the area. The current controls are set within the “State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Precincts) 2005” under the RWA Redfern Waterloo Authority which permits:


Allowable Building Heights      – 10 STOREYS

Allowable Floor Space Ratio     – 2:1 

We know from prior UrbanGrowthNSW communications that they are pressing for building heights as large as 20 Storeys with an adjusted FSR of up to 6.1:1 for some of the proposed “Superlots”.

The Study Requirements document list the Key Requirements and studies that UGNSW must address to be able to potentially change the planning restrictions currently in place.

Next Steps:

Once a final proposal that addresses all of the study requirements is lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment, this proposal will be publicly exhibited and the community will be invited to make formal submissions. The Department will consider all public submissions in assessing the proposal.

Stealing Our Skies will keep you updated with developments on this regard.

Past SOS posts of interest:

Urban Growth NSW’s 2016 North Eveleigh Plan exceeding allowable Floor Space Ratio (FSR)

North Eveleigh – March 2016 Plan – High Density Living and Open Space Provision – A Vibrant Community Heart?

Picking Holes in the Urban Growth NSW 2015 Concept Plan

If you wish to be included in future updates from this website send an email to wordpressATstealingourskiesDOTcom


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Wilson Street – Proposed Bicycle Lanes – Your Say

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Have your say on the City of Sydney Website and view the plans for a new Cycle Way on Wilson Street.

PDF Plans can be found in the lower Right Hand side of the below Weblink.


Take Part in the CoS Survey here:











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New Central to Eveleigh Website – a more realistic North Eveleigh image comparison

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The new C2E website has a new page for North Eveleigh. Mid way down the page is a current/proposed image comparison.

Use the slider underneath the image below to see a more realistic lensing of the ‘proposed’ image.

“North Eveleigh with view of the Historic Clothing Store, current and proposed”

Author Note – The buildings in this image are indicative of height, scale and massing. The look of them however is not representative of what is proposed.

A little more alarming compared to the super wide angle rendering provided…….. which as discussed here cheats the realistic height and massing of the proposal.



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Park Area

The North Eveleigh proposed 2015 Park Actually Got SMALLER !!!

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Despite claims of a bigger park, with a little bit of Google Love I was able to prove the new 2015 plan actually made the “Local Park” smaller compared to the 2008 Plan.

When Comparing the actual area used to calculate “Local Park”, which is the area on the LHS of the above image underneath the entrance to Carriageworks Way, we can see the Area has not increased to the value of 4479 m² but actually decreased to an area of 0.332 ha. (3320 m²).



parkCOS Park Plan Options

What else are Urban Growth tricking us with ?

  • Number of new Apartments ? – Should be more like 830 – 870 with a 20% increase in GFA

Saving Our Skies


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Picking Holes in the Urban Growth NSW 2015 Concept Plan

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Like everyone else I have had a hard time understanding the logic of Urban Growth’s new 2015 North Eveleigh Plans.

Ive spent a few too many days trawling through old and new documents and plans and have found the following:

  • The comparison between the indicative ‘Street View’ between the old and new plans is incorrectly placed and needs to be amended. The City of Sydney response to UGNSW submission found the same.  See Below.compareView


  • For some reason the number of apartments magically only rose from “710 – 750”  to “750- 790”, even with an increase from 12 – 20 Storeys.  The Comparison showing this (Fig.7)  is a little misleading and confusing. The GFA (Gross Floor Area) of the Western component of the 2008 plan is 57,506, including the 88 Platform Apartments and the use of the Clothing Store for 22 apartments for residential conversion (Fig.2). However in the comparison the old plan is stated as GFA 50,698 and has removed these two buildings out of the equation (7275) so the 2008 apartment count should reduce as well from 710 to 600. The difference now appears to make sense with a much bigger increase from 600 – 790**. 


North Eveleigh Approved Plan

Fig.2 North Eveleigh 2008 Approved Concept Plan

  •  The Original Concept Plan (link-page 19), which included both sites either side of Carriageworks, states a total Estimated Dwelling count of 1258, with 2400 new residents. Fig.5 indicates an estimated 1844 new residents which using the same math and division of apartment sizes (0.8% Studio, 31% 1 br, 45% 2 br and 14% 3 br) would have the new 2015 North Eveleigh West plan to actually contain bw 830 and 960 apartments.

Fig.3 Original “North Eveleigh” Site boundary from 2008 Plan



Fig.4 Original 2008 Concept Plan for 1258 new Apartments either side of Carriageworks.


  • One reason given for the Increased Height was that originally the Clothing Store was going to be residential. Searching back thru the documentation Bates Smart only predicted that 22 Dwellings could be placed in there. Using the average of 2.29 occupants per unit this would only account for an extra 50 people. Based on the Below estimated allocation of people this would only be one floor difference. NOT an additional 8 Storeys!



  • The comparison documents comparing the Plans old and new are visually adapted to look in favour of the new plan.
  • The Increased Park size (3500 sq m – 6500 sq m ) has really only been achieved by deleting the ring road (which was quite useful so all traffic was not using the one thoroughfare) and slightly changing the appearance of the before and after Pictures. Notice how the new park area in the actual documentation looks to be much more generous.

Fig.6 Old 2008 Plan overlaid over new comparison image from 2015 Plan Documentation.


As compared to this….



Fig.7 Comparison Image as shown in new 2015 plan.


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North Eveleigh Precinct community Forums are live – 2016

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Stealing our Skies website now has community forums.

Current Forums:

  • Community Concerns Forum
  • North Eveleigh Meetings and Events Forum
  • Help Forum


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Increase Awareness with a banner

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Spread community support with a Banner or Window Poster.

In early 2016 you will find Links here for banner artwork to print and post.

Feel Free to add your own links and ideas.

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public Awareness

Public Awareness Website For North Eveleigh

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public Awareness

Public Awareness Website For North Eveleigh Development at Carriageworks

Forum Login


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