City of Sydney responds to North Eveleigh April 2016 Plans

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City of Sydney responds to North Eveleigh April 2016 Plans

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City of Sydney response to Urban Growth on 2016 North Eveleigh Plans

April 27 2016

PDF available Here

Quick Overview

The City and UrbanGrowth have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding promoting agreed objectives and principles on major urban transformation projects. Despite the Memorandum, the dwelling targets and building heights at North Eveleigh have been developed independently by UrbanGrowth.

  • Affordable Housing – The Plans should commit to 12% of all housing, consistent with the 2008 plan approval.
  • Parks and Community Spaces – Urban Growth should clearly identify the area measured as part of the park, to allow an understanding of how the park has increased. The shape of the park could be further improved.
  • Connections – The pedestrian connection at Golden Grove should be re-instated. A clear strategy for the Corridoor Crossing should be identified if Urban Growth wish to implement this Key move from the Central to Eveleigh Vision.
  • Buildings – New Development should avoid overshadowing to the neighbouring properties. The development should be wind tunnel tested.




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