Petition to Stop 20 storey highrise

Home Forums North Eveleigh Community Forum Petition to Stop 20 storey highrise

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by SavingOurSkies SavingOurSkies 9 years ago.

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  • #206

    What do you think about a petition to stop the increasing of building heights from the approved 12 storey heights?

    The options would be:

    1. I could set up a petition on this website which you basically sign a form that sends out a auto generated letter to specified recipients. The plugin keep track of signees and keeps a count of petitions signed.

    2. We set up a petition which pretty much does the same thing as above but is more designed for a wider community. I could link to the petition on the front page of the website.

    Either way I would require help in producing the initial content of the letter and description.

    Saving Our Skies

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