Monthly Archives: March 2016

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New North Eveleigh Plans and User Polls – March 23 2016

New plans have been released on the Central to Eveleigh Website

  • the park has been redesigned in a more usable envelope, with a slight rearrangement of the buildings.
  • the building heights are still 20 storeys with no change of expected new units (600 -700)
  • the residential buildings along Wilson Street have been given ground floor retail.
  • confirmed 4 storey child care centre.


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Lower down on the Web Page are links to User Polls for

Design of the Park

Community Uses for the Clothing Store

Celebrating Heritage

Names for the Streets and Parks

Please be sure to add your consise input to these Polls.

Community Workshops Announced

A Community Workshop to discuss the new plans

Thursday 31 March 2016
Time: 6pm until 8.30pm
Venue: Meeting Room 6A, Australian Technology Park, Locomotive Street, Eveleigh
RSVP here

A North Eveleigh Information Session 

Day: Saturday 2 April 2016
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Yaama Dhiyaan, 255 Wilson Street, Darlington
No RSVP needed, you’re welcome to drop by anytime during the session



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March 2016 Update – North Eveleigh Development Proposals

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A lot has been happening at StealingOurSkies over the last month


You will have seen our new Banners starting to go up around the neighbourhood. We are still looking for more houses to hang the banners. If you wish to help spread awareness please let us know. There are Vertical and Horizontal versions available.

Recent Posts on the website

(click on the links to visit the full post)

POST: March 30 – Central to Eveleigh and North Eveleigh Stakeholders Update Meeting


There is a meeting on the 30th of March 2016 for stakeholder and community organisations. We will report back the updates here on the website.

POST: The New proposed BIGGER park actually got SMALLER

Park Area

The claim that the new design for the North Eveleigh park is bigger in the new 2015 plan is yet another false and crafty attempt by Urban Growth NSW at tricking the figures and documentation to make their proposed changes appear more favourable. Using some “Google Love” we realise the park actually got smaller…

POST: Picking Holes in the Urban Growth NSW 2016 Plan


More investigation of the new Urban Growth NSW 2015 North Eveleigh Plans and proposed claims.

POST: The Petition

The online petition has been now turned into an paper petition that can be more readily tabled in the NSW Parliament. You will see in coming weeks a paper petition being handed around to sign.  If you are keen to help volunteer some time to help door knock for signatures please let us know.

POST: City of Sydney responses to Urban Growths Plan


The City of Sydney officially responds to the 2015 Urban Growth NSW Plan with some interesting findings and ideas. 

Community Forums

Remember the community Forums are Live. If you have received this email you are already signed up and can voice your opinions and concerns here.


To Unsubscribe from email notifications of new posts at StealingOurSkies please reply with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.

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Urban Growth NSW C2E Stakeholders Meeting 30 March 2016

Urban Growth NSW will be holding a meeting for valued stakeholders and community organisations and representatives of local resident interest and action groups on the 30 March 2016.

“At the briefing we will be updating you on our progress with the urban Transformation Strategy and North Eveleigh, and discuss our role in the master planning for Waterloo”

Further events will be hosted in the future to engage the broader community.



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Park Area

The North Eveleigh proposed 2015 Park Actually Got SMALLER !!!

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Despite claims of a bigger park, with a little bit of Google Love I was able to prove the new 2015 plan actually made the “Local Park” smaller compared to the 2008 Plan.

When Comparing the actual area used to calculate “Local Park”, which is the area on the LHS of the above image underneath the entrance to Carriageworks Way, we can see the Area has not increased to the value of 4479 m² but actually decreased to an area of 0.332 ha. (3320 m²).



parkCOS Park Plan Options

What else are Urban Growth tricking us with ?

  • Number of new Apartments ? – Should be more like 830 – 870 with a 20% increase in GFA

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